Saturday, July 4, 2009

Art Professing

I guess it was at Dalton where I forged the fundamental considerations about doing it for a living..or WHAT to do for a living. As a kid I just DID it you know. No big deal. Dalton of course showed me REALLY wealthy successful people, whereas in the ghetto or my black background, everyone was more or less an abject failure. I met Ivan Chermayeff, the Glimchers, Michael Rosenfeld, Mort Janklow, Saul Steinberg's kids..etc.
I experienced the GOOD life as over there and rejected or ran away from my own beginnings..but how could I realistically do what Sabine Howard and Jacob Collins do? That western traditionalist stuff? White nudes, still lifes, judges and dentists?
I was and still am conflicted about subject matter. I failed to connect with other black artists of my generation, Glenn Ligon, Kara Walker, Leonardo Drew, and Thelma Golden all actively dislike me...

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